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The Mind Suite

Future Strategies Inc
Section 1 - Wellness
"Your Progress"
You have 100% left to complete.


On the left side of the grid please indicate how important this item is to you.

On the right side please indicate the frequency that you experience each.

In this section you are being asked to respond to a set of statements that deal with your own personal thoughts and feelings. The answers to the following statements will be compared to the answers of the previous sections, to provide a complete picture of the relationship between the organization and the wellness of its employees. Naturally your privacy and confidentiality are totally secure because scores are only provided in aggregate form.

  Level Of Importance  Wellness   Frequency

I am almost always a healthy eater.

I exercise regularly.

I fall asleep easily and sleep well.

I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

At the end of the day I feel that I still have energy left over.

I feel motivated.

For the most part I am optimistic and positive.

I feel calm and cope well with stress in my life.

I feel energetic and healthy.

I can cope with the frustrating aspects of my work.

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